Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tonight's Full Moon "The Hay Moon"

Tonight's full moon is called "The Hay Moon". As it rises it will look like a huge glowing ball. Thankfully it'll be a nice clear night in my area, so I can enjoy it.
July's full moon is also called: Moon of Claiming, Moon of Blood (because of mosquitoes), Blessing Moon, Buck Moon and Thunder Moon. During the full moon many countries hold festivals to celebrate the moon and it's deities.
Some of the celebrations around the world during the Hay Moon are;
July 4; Day of Pax, goddess of peace, and Concordia in Rome.
July 7-8: In Rome the oldest women's festival held is called the "Nonae Caprotinae", dedicated to Juno the great mother.
July 14: O-Bon, or the festival of lanterns in Japan; dedicated to the spirits of the ancestors.
July 15: Chung Yuan, or festival of the dead in China.
July 17: Birthday of Isis in Egypt.
July 18: Birthday of Nephthys in Egypt.
July 19: The Egyptian New Year. The Opet festival, or marriage of Isis and Osiris in Egypt. Also a celebration of Venus and Adonis in Rome.
July 23: In Rome, the Neptunalia to honor Neptune, god of earthquakes.
If it's clear of clouds in your parts and If you remember, look up at summer's full moon tonight.

Photo: Full moon festival in Korea.


  1. Hello dear Lydia,
    this is a very nice post, I like it very much. Thank you for the information of worldwide celebrations for the full moon in July. I will also post about it tonight in French: "La pleine lune en juillet", showing a full moon scene by a Japanese artist and quoting a Japanese haiku (in French).

    Wishing you a meditative full moon night,

  2. Hello Eva, Thank you! I love reading up on the full moon and different cultures. It's so pretty! I am looking forward to you full moon post and also viewing the full moon scene from the Japanese artist. Have a pleasant afternoon!

  3. the Taiwanese celebrate a moon festival as well, it's usually around sept. i love the deserts that come along w/ the holiday, mmm...yummy!!

  4. Good morning, dear Lydia,

    I hope your full moon meditation was good and creative last night.

    I would like to tell you that I like your new heading on the blog, the sunflower field looks very nice and fitting to the season.

    Wishing you a pleasant Friday,

  5. Wow Lydia you have left me in awe at this world one more time my friend ! That is truely a beatiful sight to behold. Thank you have a blessed day dear

  6. Hi lydia
    Thanks for great information.
    pic is also very nice :)

  7. Hello Wendiva, This must be a very fun and interesting festival to attend. September is the perfect time to hold the festival becuase it's just the right temperature outside. I'm sure the deserts are out of this world. Have a pleasant day.

    Hello Eva,
    Thank you. I did have a nice meditation last night. I also want to thank you about the complement on my new photo heading. Sunflowers are always so welcoming and cheery.

    Hello Jamerson,
    Thank you! I hope you were able to take a peak at the moon last night. It was beautiful. It's rising color was so pink. Have a very nice friday.

    Hello Deepak, Your welcome and thank you! The moon rose a pretty pink at 9:11 last night and set this morning in that same pretty pink color. Have a nice day.
