Saturday, July 12, 2008


My lavender's in full bloom right now. All my plants are loaded with white sulfurs. They just adore lavender. They are so pretty to watch, fluttering around each other to land on the dainty lavender petals.
Here's a photo I took of a white sulfur resting on one of my lavender bushes. A second before I snapped the photo their were about 7 butterflies on this bush and as soon as I was about to snap the shot they all flew off but this one.
The little darling. Spring,
Has run away;
The sunshine grew too hot for her to stay.
She kissed her sister, Summer
And said:
"When I am gone, you must be queen
Now reigns the Lady Summer,
Round whose feet
A thousand fairies flock with blossoms sweet.

Poem by, Cicely Mary Barker


  1. Good afternoon, dear Lydia,
    you have got beautiful lavender bushes in your garden. I love to hear the bees humming in the lavender. Let's enjoy "Lady Summer" while she is here ...

  2. Hello Eva,
    You are so right. I want to enjoy every bit of her, because she goes too fast. Before we know it old man winter will set in again and I'll feel house bound.
    Wishing you a pleasant midsummer evening.

  3. these are just beautiful! i love lavender scent.

  4. Hello Alison, Thank you. Every season I dry out the flowers so that I can cook them in water for their nice scent. Have a pleasant day!

  5. Hello Kat,
    Sorry to get back to your message late, I just noticed it. Thank you! I will have to catch up and read the post on your garden. I'm sure it's beautiful. Have a nice friday.
