Saturday, June 21, 2008

It'a Garden Party Day!

Ceilo from "The house of roses" has invited me to join her garden party, which is today. Here are some of my garden pics. There are so many different pretty garden photos from Ceilo and others displayed on Ceilo's blog " The house of roses." If you get a moment and want to view some beautiful photos of the many different gardens of others, check out Ceilos blog by going to "My favorite blogs" list and click on " Ceilo's Blog name " The house of roses".

My white rugosa roses.

The Stella Doro lilies are growing nicely in my front landscape. I love lilies and have many different types through out my landscape in both my front and back yard.

This is my hydrangea bush. I have five of these pretty bushes through out my yard. This type if hydrangea gets pretty big. It starts out with pretty apple green blossoms in the late spring. By summer the blooms are white and in the autumn they turn a very beautiful rosy blush color. Once these extremely large blooms turn rosy, they dry out on the bush. I like to pick them after they've dried and place them in nice baskets around the house. Dried hydrangeas will keep their pink color right up til the following fall.
This is one of my purple spirea bushes in my front landscape.


  1. Lovely flowers, Lydia. I also have the lilies (hemerocallis) in my garden, an orange-colored variety.

    Today is the Summer Solstice with the longest day and shortest night of the year. It is celebrated with fire, dances, songs, special food and drink in Latvia.

    Happy summer solstice, Lydia!

  2. Hello Eva, Lilies are one of the prettiest flowers around. My stargazers are just budding now. I'm looking forward to the blooms.
    Happy summer solstice to you too eva. Now is the time where all good things that began in the spring flourish. How interesting about Latvia and their celebration of the summer solstice.
    Have a wonderful summer solstice and enjoy the sunshine on this longest day of the year.

  3. Hi Lydia, It's so nice to meet you. Love all your photos and your lilies. I love the stargazers but unfortunately the deer do too. They chomped on mine this year as soon as they came up out of the ground. :(
    I just discovered the pink spirea bushes last year and planted some by the pool. I love them and plan to get some more this fall. Have a super nice weekend. ~ Lynn

  4. Lydia

    Lovely flowers! A sunny spot to take a sniff!
    I, too am taking part in Cielo's celebration, hope you can hop over!

  5. Beautiful Hydrangea, and you also have a lovely garden. Thanks for the tour, RoseMarie

  6. Lydia, Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden pictures. I really enjoyed them. They are beautiful! Terrie

  7. Beautiful flowers, thank you so much for sharing. I hopped down the lady bug post too. I love lady bugs!!

  8. Oh, I wish my hydrangea would hurry up and grow and be pretty like yours! I so enjoyed meeting you today! And I shall come back for another visit. So pleased to be a part of Cielo's wonderful garden party!

  9. Hi honey!!! Beautiful. I have my post up but it's no where near complete. I still have to write something!!! I'm visiting other blogs rather than attending to my own. I know, pathetic. Come on in, look around, you're already familiar with almost everything so know where the gate is. I'll put out some iced tea for you honey, oh, and T-Bone will want to enjoy the garden with you, so let him take you on the tour. And yes...there are lots of weeds this year. You know it's been stressful here!

    Your garden is beautiful. What fun to see it. Is this a great idea, or what!!!???


  10. What a beautiful garden! I love hydrangeas and lilies, too.


  11. Everything looks so green and lovely. Thanks for showing me around.

  12. Hi Lydia, your garden is gorgeous. Your Stella Doro lilies are beautiful. Your white Rugosa Roses are so pretty. You certainly have a green thumb and it shows. Hydrangeas are one of my favorites, but a little too hot in Texas for them, so I paint them instead. LOL So nice to meet you. You have such a lovely blog.
    Blessings, Celestina
    la rea rose

  13. Hi Lydia, lovely pictures and lovely flowers in your garden. Thanks for the tour!
    love, Ann

  14. Hello, It's so nice to meet you all. Thank you for viewing my garden. I wasn't able top get online at all yesterday, cause I was out all day long. I will have to visit everyone's gardens today. I'm looking forward to seeing all the different blooms. Hope everyone have a nice sunday.

  15. Hello Suzanne, I looks forward to viewing your garden. Thanks for stopping by. I have tons of weeds in my gardens. I've been battling them everyday. I think this garden party was a wonderful Idea! Have a Pleasant Sunday!

  16. Beautiful, lovely garden
    and sooo beautiful site!

    Greetings from Poland!

  17. Hi !GORGEOUS pink flowers! I love your garden! I hope you in my garden, too! warms regards

  18. Hi Lydia,

    What beautiful flowers! You must have a green thumb.
    Thank you for sharing them with us.

    Take care,

  19. Your white roses are stunning!! Love the hydrangeas!! Thanks for a wonderful tour!

    kari & kijsa

  20. Thanks you participating in our garden party…. What a delightful occasion that was! Blessings to you and yours.

    All gardeners live in beautiful places because they make them so (Joseph Joubert)


  21. Marina, Maria, Barb and Keri& Kijsa, Thank you for visiting my blog. It is so nice to meet everyone. Have a wonderful evening!

    Ceilo, I want to thank you for inviting me to the garen party. I had a lot of fun! Have a great evening!
