Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Roasted Beets

Beets are a great autumn root vegetable. They're loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C. Roasted beets are very easy to prepare and they go well with most anything.
Here's an easy recipe to make on those cool fall evenings.
4 to 5 large beets, washed and sliced
2 cloves of garlic, minced
Sea salt and pepper to taste
Extra virgin olive oil
1/2 tbs parsley
1/2 tbs sage
1/2 tbs winter savory
Pre heat oven to 435. Place all ingredients into a large bowl and toss together. Transfer to a baking sheet. Bake uncovered until the beets are soft and well roasted, turning often while cooking.


  1. Oh, I love beets Lydia and this is a great recipe.
    My huuby does not like beets so I get to eat them all.
    I am going to make this recipe this week.
    Thank you for it.


  2. Hello Margie,
    I'm sure you'll like this recipe. I make beets often in the fall.
    My hubby can take them or leave them, but I just love them. They taste good grated in salads too.
    Have a nice night!

  3. Hello Lydia this does sound delicious I will have to try this recipe thanks have a great day today.

  4. Hi Lydia,
    I'm new to blogging and your site. I absolutely love beets but never thought of roasting them. I will definitely try your recipe.
    I also wanted to share some information with you on cleaning our vegetables that is sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. Tap water can not remove these chemicals. Strong Kangen Water removes these chemicals and kills all bacteria including e coli and salmonella bacterias. Visit my website www.NuLifeHealthyWater.com

  5. Hello Jamerson,
    It's really easy to make and I know you'll love it!
    Have a nice day and keep warm!

  6. Hello,
    Welcome to my blog. I'm happy your going to try this recipe.
    Thank you for the helpful information. I will go and read more on your web sight.
    Wishing you a great day!
