Sunday, October 11, 2009

Planting Garlic

If you plan on having garlic in your garden next year, autumn is the best time for planting cloves.
You will need to purchase your bulbs at a garden center. Once you've purchased your garlic, Pick an area in the garden and prepare the soil for planting by pitchforking, hoeing and removing weeds.
Separate each garlic bulb into individual cloves. Plant 4" to 6" apart and 1" to 2" deep.
Water well and cover the area you've just finished planting with raked leaves, to keep the soil warm through the winter.
When the weather starts to warm up, remove the leaves that were covering the garlic, so the sun can warm the soil. You may even see some shoots already growing when you rake away the leaves.
Harvest when leaves turn brown in the summer. Cure bulbs in a hot, dry, airy place for up to two weeks after harvesting.


  1. Great post Lydia on planting garlic.
    Thank you!
    We love garlic at my house.


  2. Hello Margie,
    Your welcome. I just got through planting all my garlic this afternoon. I should get 48 bulbs out of my plantings.
    Wishing you a nice and relaxing evening,
