Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sun & Moon Watercolor

During the late 90's, while working with the 3 year old room at a daycare center, I created this poster for the art center. I've had it stored in my basement and came across it today. Unfortunately, I put clear sticky paper over it back then.
On the underneath corner of the painting, there's a monarch butterfly I also painted on a different piece of paper. I cut it out and stuck it on the poster to create a collage. I blocked the butterfly out of this shot while taking it.


  1. What a beautiful poster, this Sun and Moon watercolor.

    I have noticed that most of the artwork you are showing dates back to the nineties.

    I sure hope that you will soon have a new creative phase again and will go on painting.

    The music on your blog is lovely, so calm and soothing. Who is the singer?

    Wishing you peace,

  2. I'm very fond of sun and moon faces and your watercolor is lovely, Lydia:)
    I like your soft music too...

  3. Hello Eva,
    Thank you. The period I pumped out all this work was a very calming and blieve this one to be in 96 or 97.
    Itoo hope to get the spark back again.
    Her name is Nora Jones. I have some of her music and Just love her voice and the lyrics to her songs. You can tell she is a very wise and a very old soul by how she writes her songs.
    Wishing you peace in return,

  4. Hello Linda,
    Thank you very much. I thought calming good music would be fitting for my blog and I just love Nora Jones.
    Have a very nice day,
