Monday, February 2, 2009

Honey Broiled Grapefruit

With cold season here, it's important to take vitamin C and eat citrus fruits regularly. Citrus fruits are loaded with antioxidants and high amounts of vitamin C.
Here's an easy recipe for grapefruit that I got out of the "Real Simple" magazine.

1 grapefruit, halved ( I like the ruby red)

Spread the grapefruit halves with honey and place under the broiler until browned in spots.
I usually eat grapefruit halves for snacks and since I'm not a big fan of sugar on my grapefruit, I decided to try this honey grapefruit recipe (I love honey, especially on whole grain toast for breakfast). It tasted really good and not to mention really healthy .


  1. What a beautiful photo, dear Lydia, and the recipe sounds good.

    I usually find grapefruit a bit too sour, but with honey it probably tastes fine.

    Have a good start into this first week of February,

  2. That sounds delish. I love broiled grapefruit.

  3. i LOVE grapefruits!! i've been sick lately, so have been inhaling vitamin Cs by the minute, lots of lemons, oranges, better in no time :) thanks for the post, lydia!

  4. oopsies...accidentally signed in by my sister's account (May)...the above comment is actually from me, sorry!

  5. Ooh that sounds yummy! I love the picture too X

  6. Hello Eva,
    Thank you! I actually am using this photo for my desktop.
    It really tastes good this way. I have another recipe I just read about that I'm going to post this week.
    It also contains honey. We can all use more sweetness from honey in this day and age.
    Have a great day,

  7. Hello Judy,
    You'll love it. It tastes really good and you doin't even have to use refined sugar to get the sweeet taste.
    Have a great day,

  8. Hello Wendiva,
    I know what your going through, I also have a terrible cold right now and I too have been pumping vitamin C like crazy and eating a lot of citrus.
    Zicam also works wonders for a cold.
    I'm glad your get better now,

  9. Hello vintage kitten,
    Thank you! This is a tasty and healthy treat for anyone who loves fruit.
    Have a nice day,

  10. Lydia..this brought back memories!

    When my son was very young, and we lived in California, we ate broiled grapefruit with honey every morning, sitting out on the patio.

    I hope your cold is better! :)

  11. Hello Jan,
    You must have loved California.
    I'm sure the weather was beautiful and the citrus fruits as fresh as you could get.
    Have a great day,
