Friday, July 17, 2009

Harvesting Cherries

While me and my kids were out in the back yard last night, I noticed that the two cherry trees we have in our trail were loaded with black cherries. Needless to say we ended up picking a heaping bowl of them, so we can snack on them all weekend long.
Even though they are not very large in size, they're one of the sweetest cherries I've tasted in a while.


  1. How fun! Enjoy your bounty Lydia. I bet picking all those cherries worked up quite an appetite.

  2. Hi Lydia that's wonderful picking cheries does bring back memories gotta love em have a great week end

  3. Hello Judy,
    Wehad a lot of fun picking cherries! I was full by the time I got done picking them!
    Have a great Sunday!

  4. Hello Jamerson,
    I too remember going with my dad to pick cherries when I was little.
    Have a great day!

  5. Cherries are my favourite fruit. Here in the South of France they are harvested in May.

    Now we are eating peaches and melons.

    Have a wonderful time in your garden, dear Gypsy Butterfly.

  6. Hello Olivia,
    I love all kinds of fruit! Cherries are definately so good. Once I start eating them I get so full, because I can't stop!
    May is very early. Your lucky!
    Have a very nice and relaxing evening!
