Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mango Soy Shake

The mango, which is an exotic fruit that comes from many countries located in the tropics, is a delicious alternative to the common fruits we are use to eating. These bright orange fruits, full of sweetness are loaded with vitamin A.
This morning while reading one of my health magazines, I came across this refreshing mango soy shake recipe. It would make for a great breakfast shake or a healthy mid afternoon snack.
2 cups of soy milk
1 cup of mango chunks, frozen
1 tbs honey
1/2 tsp orange extract
Place all ingredients in a blender and process until everything is pureed. This should take between one and two minutes. Pour into two tall glasses and garnish with a sprig of mint if desired, then serve.
This mango shake will lend a nice tropical aroma, not to mention the high levels of fiber and vitamin A you'll receive in every sip.


  1. I love the taste of mango - so exotic and sweet.

    Sent you an email through googlemail, hoping it will reach you.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday, Eva

  2. Hello Alide, I love all types of exotic fruits. Mangos are my favorite. When I go out for Thai, I usually love to order the mango and sweet rice after dinner. It's so hard to pass up, so I just eat the extra calories. Thank you, your email reached me. Have a great day!

  3. Why are we living so far from all exotic fruits?

    Some times I want to move to a warmer country.

    It is a touch of exotic here at your blog, I appreciate it.

  4. Helo Eric,
    I ask myself that everyday! Why am I not living in the places I love and around the things that I love.
    I often want to move to a warmer climate, but unfortunately in the States, cost of living in the warmer areas seem to be much higher than where I live.
    I'm so happy I can deliver a touch of the exotic from time to time, here on my blog. Have a wonderful day!

  5. That sounds really good, will have to give it a try. My wife often makes fruit shakes with mango and berries and other fruit. She uses yogurt which is not vegan but quite tasty. We'll have to try it with soy milk.

  6. My faaaave concoction ov' all!..Except I use yogurt or sometimes guyabano juice..:>

    Hello Lydia! Here's a wish for a coming magical weekend for you :>

  7. Hello Oswegan, Yogart sounds good too. I just love mangos. Berries would make this shake so good, especially since they'll be coming into season soon!

  8. Hello Luxie, I've never heard of guyabano juice! I'm sure it's delicious! I'll try and look for this type of juice at the grocery store and give it a try. I know I'll love it!

  9. Hello Luxie, Thanks for the weekend wish too!

  10. This was really good I enjoyed it. Lydia my blog will be off about a week. I will be back. You still can reach me at ok. I can let you access blog then.Have a good day !

  11. Hello Jamerson, I'm so happy you liked this shake. Mangos are the best! Sorry to hear that you'll be off for a week. I will go onto your other blog and read. Have a great day! Thank you!
