Monday, January 30, 2012

Get back to nature

Nature is a great confidence-booster. Try and spend at least 15 minutes a day outdoors, your whole mind and body will react positively.


  1. absolutely! i simply touched a tree or two in the park and say my gratitude.
    have a wonderful day lydia!

  2. Hi alison,
    That's great! Its been nice here weather wise. A perfect few days to get outdoors!
    Have a great day!

  3. Dear Lydia
    Oh my, since I've been here with my daughter and new granddaughter, I have not had a chance to go outside and I miss nature so!

    It's been a bit of a stressful few days here as my daughter has been having a hard time!
    But it's just so wonderful to be with Rose, she's so precious!

    I hope to get in a walk tonight (just around the block) when Rose's daddy gets home.
    Can't leave my daughter alone as she had a C-section.

    I really miss my long walks with Jake.

    Take care and have a great day!

    Margie :)

  4. Hi Margie,
    How wonderful that your spending a lot of time with your daughter. New moms are very tired. I remember when my kids were newborns i was so tired and i loved help with the babies.
    you'll get jake walking again.
    Enjoy your new granddaughter!
    Have a wonderful day!
