Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Close Up Of A Pansy

This watercolor is called "The close up of a pansy," created by me for my pansy series. A few years back I went on this obsessive and crazy pansy kick. Everything I painted had to do with this species of flowers. I even started planting them all through out my landscape when I lived at my first home. The colors were just beautiful, so I started bringing them in and painting them. Nowadays I just have to stop making excuses and carve out some time to pick up my brush. Painting can be very therapeutic for me.


  1. This is a lovely pansy, Lydia. I like the combination of blue and yellow.

  2. Very nicely done. It has a sort of a Georgia O'Keefe feel to it.

  3. Hello Givethemhell, Thank you!

    Hello Oswegan, Thank you!
