Thursday, October 21, 2010

In Abyssinia, an unmarried woman who owned a cat were thought to be a wealthy catch for suitors.


  1. This black kitten on the orange

    pumpkins is a beauty.

    Wishing you a relaxing evening,

    dear Lydia.

  2. Hello Olivia,
    Sorry I just got to my log now. I've been working like crazy. I just got out of work now.
    I will be working even more in november. I'm happy to be working more dispite the shils that were bothering me on the roadway this morning and this afternoon.
    I think the kitten looks great against the orange background of the pumpkins. I started my halloween paintings. Hopefully I will show the first on Monday after work.
    Wishing you a wonderful day!

  3. I am looking forward to seeing more of your artwork, dear Lydia.

    I am very sorry you are getting bothered by shills while on the road to your working place.

    At least you have a nice home to retreat to.

    It is good that you have a lot of work and can make money.



  4. Hello Olivia,
    I am going to finish the first of my series today and hopefully I will have it posted after work tomorrow.
    I know it is a shame for me to have to deal with that stuff, but you are right As soon as I get home I start forgetting about all that bad stuff. I instead enjoy my family and hobbies.
    I am very happy to be working as much as I can. I'm thankful to be able to work more these days.
    wishing you a wonderful day.

  5. I am glad you like your work, dear Lydia. It is very important that we love what we do, otherwise it gets to be a pain eventually.


  6. Hello Olivia,
    I would rather do what I like and make less money, than do something I do not like and make a lot of money. Happiness is much more important, especially when we are spending a lot of time at work.
    Blessings, Lydia

  7. Yes, Lydia.

    I suppose that most people are lucky

    if they have some work these days,

    cannot be too choosy. The economy is

    getting worse.



  8. Hello Olivia,
    I know that economy is bad and getting worse. it seems as if everything is going up except paychecks these days.
    have a wonderful evening,

  9. I just read in the news online that

    Europe has the highest unemployment

    rate ever. I am so glad I am retired,

    no more worries ...

    Blessings to you and your family,


  10. Hello Olivia,
    the job market is bad all over these days!!!!!
    It's great that you don't have to worry about working anymore!
    Have a great evening,
