Saturday, October 17, 2009


Honey was believed by ancient cultures to be the food of the gods. As a medicine, honey is an aid to both internal and external healing.
Used internally, It is very beneficial to digestion. It can calm asthma attacks and is also affective in the treatment of cramps. It's an energetic supplement for the heart. It's also added to cough mixtures. A mixture of honey and lemon is soothing for the throat.
Used externally, it is a natural antiseptic and helps soothe damaged tissue and restore skin growth. Honey has been used to treat boils and other external sores.
On an emotional level, honey can soothe frayed nerves. Honey is also a metaphor for the goodness of life and is said to be medicine for the soul.
A Vedic chant written more than 3,000 years ago asks that the entire earth obtain the qualities of honey.
Esoteric meaning;
Honey represents the natural sweetness that is part of our inner being. We cultivate sweetness in our lives by doing the things we love in our lives. Sweetness is as natural to our being as love is.
Affirmation; I open my soul to my own natural sweetness.


  1. Great post Lydia. So profound the bee's and their honey. Simply amazing isn't it. Have a wonderful day dear friend

  2. Hello Jamerson,
    Yes bees and their honey are both very profound. I love honey. It's always in my house. I love having it on whole grain toast every morning and in my tea at night.
    I just received a free jar of honey from a beekeeper who makes honey, who also knows my hubby and it's delicious. I think beekeeping and making honey would be a very exciting hobby and interesting job.
    Wishing you a great night,

  3. So many great uses for honey.
    Like you Lydia, I too love honey and always have it in my tea.

    Very good post ... thank you!


  4. Hello Margie,
    Honey is so much better to use than sugar when you need to sweeten things. It's much healthier.
    Have a great Sunday,
