Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A day spent judging another is a painful day. A day spent judging yourself is a painful day.

You don't have to believe your judgments; they're simply an old habit.


  1. Lydia, great post!
    And how true ... any day spent judging others or ourselves is a painful day.

    Oh, loved that picture!
    Where did you find it?

    Have a great rest of the day!


  2. Hello Margie,
    This is a true statement. Judging others and ourselves only makes us feel miserable in the end.
    I believe I found the picture on glitter graphics. I had it in my personal picture files for a few months now.
    Wishing you a beautiful day today!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello Lydia I like this saying. We have to break a lot of agreements with ourselves to free our minds. Have a wonderful day dear.

  5. Hello Jamerson,
    I'm glad you like this. I strongly believe thatjudging ourselves only makes us miserable.
    When we judge others it may just be because, we are masking what's making ourselves personally unhappy while our inner unhappiness may have nothing at all to do with the person we are judging.
    Wishing you a very nice day,

  6. Hello Lydia I really like this kind of music thanks for sharing have a great week

  7. Hello Jamerson,
    I'm glad you like it!
    Since it's October, I thought those songs would be fun.
    Have a Nice Sunday!
