Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cat Folklore

According to superstition in France, if you discover a single white hair on a black cat, Lady luck will smile upon you.


  1. Well, since I do not have a black cat,

    I cannot discover any silver hair.

    But I love my Chou-Chou anyway

    and am sure that he brings me luck.

    Wishing you a good evening, Lydia.



  2. Good evening, Lydia
    Did not discover his hair white
    I also do not believe in these myths

  3. Hello Olivia,
    Your right, Chou-Chou will bring you tons of good luck!
    Sorry I was not online yesterday I worked both day and night. by the time I got home I was exhusted and went to bed.
    Wishing you a wonderful evening,

  4. Hello Farouk,
    I hope you have been doing well?
    They are just fun myths.
    I too do not believe in myths, but they are fun to blog about at this time of year.
    Wishing you a wonderful day,

  5. I like these myths, dear Lydia.

    Also I believe that there is

    a grain of truth in them.

    Cats are such wonderful animals

    and great companions.



  6. Yes true hello Lydia I love the cat lore hee. Here's one for ya My grand daughter was 1yr old talking at something in the door way it was cute she was acting like talking till the cat came and jumped over what ever was sitting next to her to get through the door creepy but normal in that old house have a great evening. Love them cats!

  7. Hello Olivia,
    I too like myths and folklore. I find some of the readings very interesting.
    They're fun to hear and yes some do have a little truth to them.
    It's nice to hear what those in our past history believed.
    Wishing you a wonderful Saturday!!!

  8. Hello Jamerson,
    What an interesting story of your grandaughter with the cat!!!!!
    I am sure you were shocked!!!!!
    I too love cats. They make the best pets.
    I hope your enjoying your Saturday!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. True, Lydia:

    cats make the best pets,

    and they are independent as well.

    They do not cling to you day

    and night, but like to go their

    own ways.

    Wishing you a pleasant weekend,


  10. Hello Olivia, I totally agree with you. I have a dog too. I love her dearly, but if I had to chose between owning cats or dogs I would chose cats, just because they are more independent.
    It's nice to go to work and run errands all day with out having to worry about getting home to let the cats out to go to the bathroom.
    I do worry about that with my dog, because I don't want her to have to be uncomfortable.
    Have a wonderful day!
