Wednesday, December 9, 2009


(Olive trees under a full moon)
As a food olive oil is a wonderful source of vitamins and minerals. It is easily absorbed by the body and can be used to treat indigestion and constipation. Olive oil provides the heart with enough fat to lubricate it without congesting it. Mixing olive oil with lemon and garlic, makes a perfect heart tonic for flushing the liver.
Heated olive oil rubbed onto the skin is both a beauty tonic and a calmant. When massaged regularly into joints, it relieves pains and aches of arthritis.
It offers relief for eye, ear and skin irritations and is a great medicine for sores and wounds.
Olive oil acts as a base carrier for essential oils.
Esoteric meaning; The smoothness of life.
Olive oil represents a smooth untroubled path. It allows our lives to change easily and constantly. It symbolizes our capacity to have an easy transit from one stage of life to another. It makes us more able to manage the next step in our lives by incorporating the life skills that we have learned along the way.

Affirmation: My path in life is smooth and easy.


  1. Lydia..I love olive oil!

    I like to just dip a hard crust of bread in olive oil with different spices, or herbs. There's a dipping sauce that can be bought at the grocery store like that.

    Also, I take olive leaf extract in capsule form, which can be purchased at health food stores, or at the local Walmart.

    Sometimes, if my throat feels a little scratchy, or I feel that I might be coming down with something, I take a couple extra capsules at bedtime.

    I think it is really a miracle drug! :)

    It is cold and blustery here...we've had some snow, along with ice and rain is predicted for tomorrow.

    Right now, we have a nice little fire going in the woodburning stove here in the family room/kitchn area....cozy! :)

    I hope you're having a good week!

  2. Hello Jan,
    Olive oil is very good for you. I was raised on it and ate it everyday. I still use olive oil everyday, but I always make sure I use extra virgin.
    Bread and oil is delicious!!!!!!!!! I love it that way!
    Olive oil is also great for your skin, when eaten everyday, or put directly on it.
    Wegmans is such a great store. I don't know what I would do without it. All of my grocery shopping for my things is done in nature's market and then I shop the main store for the rest of the family.
    It has become very blustery here. We are supposed to get wintery weather for the next few days. My kids are eagar for the snow, because they want to throw on their snowsuits and go out to play.
    A fire sounds very nice!!!! I have a gas fireplace in my greatroom. I usually start using it when the weather starts to cool off in the fall.
    Wishing you a cozy and relaxing evening!!!!!!!

  3. Hello Lydia tnx for the beautiful pictures and the information about olive oil. Quite remarkable how nature provides us with so much healthy foods and medicines have a beautiful day!!!!

  4. Hello Jamerson,
    Nature can provide us with much of what we need for our health, if we are informed on different ways to use nature and it's medicines for health and healing.
    Wishing you a very nice Thursday!
