Monday, November 16, 2009

Lemon Tree

The lemon tree is cultivated through out the Middle East and Mediterranean. It's juice is prized for healing and is used in many dishes and household cleaning products.
In homeopathy, lemon is used for sore throats.

In herbalism, lemons are great for cleansing a liver congested from too much fat and sweets. It is recommended for reducing fat in the body. Lemon also helps combat bacterial infections. It also boosts the immune system. Lemon can be taken in plain juice form with a teaspoon of honey if desired.
In aromatherapy, the oil is used to dissipate congestion.
Esoteric Meaning;
Lemon symbolizes our need to forgive. We free our spirit to love and shine again when we forgive. We release our feelings for those who have hurt us and our attachment to them.
Forgiveness empowers us and lets us choose the higher road.


  1. Lydia,
    Lovely pictures, great music, and a reminder of the need to forgive!
    What a juicy post!
    All the best!

  2. Hello Boris,
    Thank you! I'm happy you like the photos and the music.
    I love Nora Jones. Her music is so relaxing and her lyrics are beautiful.
    Sometimes forgivness is the only thing that will emotionally release us from a painful situation.
    Wishing you a very nice Tuesday!

  3. Loved this post, Lydia!
    Thank you!

    Oh, I need to take a break from blogging!
    So, till I am here again, keep up the wonderful posts!
    I shall miss you but hope to return sooner than later.

    Take good care and thank you for visiting my blog and all the lovely comments!


  4. Hello Margie,
    I'm so glad you've enjoyed this post.
    We all need a break from blogging now and then. It gives us time to recharge. I find during my blog breaks, I'm able to focus on my home life and my loved ones a bit more.
    Enjoy your time off. I look forward to your future posts when you decide it's time to return to blog world again.

    Have a great evening,

  5. Dear Lydia,

    thank you for the letter and the kitten bookmark, I love it.

    I sent you a reply.


    Olivia Eva

  6. Hello Olivia,
    I'm glad you like the kitten bookmark I sent you. I thought it was adorable and since you have a cute little kitty now, I thought you may like the kitty bookmark.
    Thank you for your reply to my email!
    Wishing you a wonderful evening!

  7. This is so informative. From now on, I will substitute lemon to the regular orange drink I usually take.

    In fact, I have a piece of lemon in the fridge. I think I'll go enjoy it now. :D

  8. Hello Lady prism,
    I'm happy you found this informative and your going to try it out!
    I try to use lemon in my teas and water when I remember.
    Wishing you a very pleasant day!
