Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Strawberries activate the body's antioxidant defense system and may slow the formation of stomach ulcers.


  1. Wishing I had some strawberries to eat right now!
    I love strawberries!

    Another great post!
    Thanks Lydia.

    Hope today has been a good one for you and wish you a great evening.
    It's very beautiful here today and I'm heading out now to take my dog on a nice walk!

    Margie :)

  2. Hi Margie, so do I! I love buying or picking fresh strawberries when they're in season. I make a great strawberry salsa in the summer.
    Today was a nice day here too! We've had an awesome winter so far! Beautiful day to take your dog for a walk.
    Have a nice evening!

  3. In Physical Therapy, I've noticed that my PT's eat a lot of apples. Many of them are Triathletes. But I didn't know this about Strawberries, Lydia! My Grandma used to grow them in Michigan!!

  4. Hi Michael,
    Apples are also very good because they fight belly fat which is proven to effect our hearts when one has a fat around the middle.
    Have a wonderful day
