Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tomatoes: Hybrids VS Heirlooms

Heirlooms aren't as productive, but they're tastier than hybrids. Heirlooms grow long and they have sprawling vines. They produce tomatoes continually throughout the growing season.

Hybrids often have disease resistance that heirlooms lack. If you've had tomato diseases in the past, hybrids are your best choice for plantings. Hybrid tomatoes also produce their fruits all at once instead of through out the summer like heirlooms.
For a variety of tasty tomatoes, try planting both hybrid and heirloom in your garden.


  1. I so like all your great info....thanks, Lydia.
    I do love tomatoes!

    Have a great evening!

  2. oh, i have not heard of heirlooms nor hybrids before. this is such great information to learn. you are like the dictionary of vegetables! :)

    have a wonderful day lydia.

  3. I love tomatoes!
    Great post!
    Thanks Lydia.

  4. Hello Margie
    there's nothing like garden picked tomatoes.
    I love the heirlooms, but i've had blight problems in the past so i now only plant very tough disease resistant varieties in my garden.
    Have a nice evening!

  5. I love the heirloom tomato's! the flavor and nutrition is far superior to hybrids, though I agree they can be a challenge. They take a little longer to start from seed. I like the seeds of change catalog and this year I am trying Annie's heirloom seeds and so far am not having any problems. Another great thing about the heirloom plants is you can save the seeds and save money!
