Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Radishes are cool weather brassicas grown from seed. The seeds should be sown as soon as possible so that the radishes are not bitter when harvested.
Radish are root crops so they need to be grown in loose, well drained soil, in full or partial sunlight.
Sow shallowly, cover lightly with soil and keep moist until seeds germinate.
After that they do well on there own. Once seeds have sprouted, thin to 2 inches apart.
Radishes will give you a sign when they are ready. They lift themselves up above the ground.
It's best to harvest them early for tenderness and sweetness. If harvested too late they will be hot.
Once harvested wash the radish and do not throw away their green tops. Instead wash the greens of the radish and saute them in a bit of olive oil, garlic, sea salt and pepper.
Radishes can be kept for a week in the refrigerator but best used as soon as possible.
They are delicious when sliced in salads.
You can also roast radishes to bring out their natural sugars.
Halve radishes, toss in olive oil, with a sprinkle of sugar(optional), then roast at 375 for 15 minutes or until tender with a fork.


  1. I love radishes, especially in my salad!
    Will have to roast them!
    Thanks for sharing, Lydia.

  2. I know I lest a comment on this post.
    Guess Blogger ate it up!
    Anyway great post on radishes.
    I love them in my salad!
