Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Benifits of a drink a day

Raise your glass to long-lasting good health: Women who are moderate drinkers(one to two alcoholic drinks a day) at midlife are more likely than nondrinkers to reach age 70 without having any
major chronic disease(including cancer, diabetes and heart disease) or major cognitive or physical impairment, according to a new Harvard study. What's more, the more often you drink, the better. Those who had one or two drinks 5 to seven days a week were much more likely to stay well into their golden years than those who drank only once or twice a week. Now there's a prescription we'll gladly stick to!
Article taken from the December 2011 issue of "Health" magazine.


  1. Just came by to wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving, Lydia.

    And I'll be sure to have a glass of wine with my dinner on Thanksgiving day!
    Not much of a drinker though but great post!

    Margie :)

  2. Hello Margie,
    Wishing you a wonderful thanksgiving too!!!!!!

  3. Hello Lydia I'm not much of a drinker but a glass of some red wine sure sounds good have a great day

  4. Hi Jamerson,
    I love drinking a nice glass of red wine or two on the weekends.
