Monday, July 5, 2010

Sweet Peppers

Sweet Peppers are rich in beta carotene.
Peppers are also a great source of vitamin C and B6.
Sweet peppers contain no fat and are very low in calories.  They're only 20 calories every 1/2 cup.
Try raw sweet peppers cut into slices and dip them in hummus for a delicious and healthy snack!


  1. I love sweet peppers,Lydia

    and have eaten lots of red and

    yellow sweet peppers lately.

    Wishing you a pleasant evening


  2. Hello Olivia,
    Sweet pepper's are so good for you and they taste good with so many types of foods.
    They are very high in vitamin C.
    I am growing green bell peppers this year. they are already budding with small bell peppers. I can't wait to pick them.
    Wishing you a very nice evening.
    PS I already started drawing out two halloween paintings.
    I will have my butterfly sunflower painting done next week.
    Wishing you a great evening,

  3. Great, Lydia !

    I am looking forward to seeing the

    new sunflower painting on your

    artblog next week.

    It has become very, very hot

    here. I hardly got out, and the

    shutters are three-quarters

    closed, to keep the heat outside

    and the cool air inside.

    Wishing you a good evening


  4. helo Olivai,
    I look forward to showing it too.
    I will send you out another letter very soon.
    It's good that your keeping cool. It's hot here too!
    almost 100 degrees F today.
    I go out and brave it, which I must be crazy to do. I drink a lot of fluids though.
    During the day all my shades are shut too and the air is on.
    Keep cool and enjoy your day tomorrow!


  5. Hello Lydia,

    I drink lots of fluids as well,

    iced lemon juice being my favorite.

    But I do not go out during the day,

    I try to stay home in the cool

    house as much as possible.

    Chou-Chou does not mind the heat,

    he loves it.

    Have a nice day,


  6. Hello Olivia,
    that's smart to stay in to avoid heat stroke. It's super hot here too!
    I stayed in today.
    I enjoyed the AC.
    I am sure chou chou is having a great time!
    Have a nice evening,

  7. Chou-Chou is out again,

    chasing lady cats. lol

    Have a lovely evening, Lydia

  8. How cute Olivia.
    He is enjoying himself and the summer.
    I just went to the pet store this evening with my daughter and I saw a cute kitten there. She looked exactly like Ginger.
    She was beautiful.
    Have a great day,

  9. Cats are wonderful animals,

    aren't we glad to have them.

    Wishing you a good evening, Lydia.

  10. Hello Olivia,
    We are so glad to be able to have and enjoy them!
    I don't know what I would do without one. I love sleeping with them and cuddling with them.
    They are just such great companions!
    have a nice evening, Lydia
