Monday, July 5, 2010


Blueberries contain powerful antioxidants.
They have also been found to improve memory.


  1. wow lydia, i love the blog banner! is that a sunflower? i may need a lot of bluebrries! i am getting rather forgetful recently.

    have a happy day!

  2. Delicous, Lydia,

    over here it is not the season yet.

    They sell almost no blueberries here,

    I guess the climate is too hot for

    them. They prefer cool shade in the

    woods, I guess.

    Wishing you a pleasant evening,


  3. Hello Alison,
    Thank you. Yes it's a fuzzy face sunflower. i took that photo last year. the sunflower was in my veggie garden and I snapped the shot.
    I just went and picked blue berries at the farm today!
    They taste so good!!!!!!
    Have a nice evening!

  4. Hello Olivia,
    The blueberries have just come
    into season here.
    They're very good.
    I am sure your enjoying juicy ripe cherries there, Olivia.
    I also picked another large basket of cherries while at the farm today. The kids chose to wait in the air conditioned car while I picked berries!
    Have a nice evening and keep cool.

  5. It's cherries, abricots and peaches

    that I eat over here, they are all

    very good.

    Have a wonderful day, Lydia.

  6. Hello Olivia, they sound good. i soon will pick my own apricats and I will also be buying peaches from the stand!
    I can't wait.
    I just had some cherries tonight.
    Have great evening,

  7. Today was very hot and humid again.

    The South of France is struck by a

    heat wave.

    Wising you a good evening, Lydia

  8. hello Olivia,
    Keep very cool. It's very hot hear too. It's been almost 100F everyday this week so far. Tomorrow is another hot one. No rain either.
    Have a nice day!

  9. The same here, Lydia,

    extreme heat and no rain at all.

    Chou-Chou likes it, but I don't.

    Late at night, when the air has

    cooled down, I go outside to

    water the flowerbed.

    The nights are so refreshing,

    I love them.



  10. hello Olivia,
    we too get nice breezes off the lake at night, making it nice to weed the garden and harvest lavender and basil by moonlight instead doing this during the day when it's very hot.
    Today was nice it was less humid and in the low 80's so I worked in the veggie garden all day. I must say I got a workout too!

    Planted my pole beans, more endive, more cilantro, tied my tomatoes, harvested peas, lettuce, cucumber and onions. I enjoyed my day in nature. it's very meditative.
    Have a great evening, Lydia
