Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What matters most!!!!!!!!!!!

When someone with Ugliness, Hatred, malice and evil turns their ill intentions your way, it is important to be aware of the negativity around you, but at the same time look away, because for every mean spirited, evil, hateful person, there are many more compassionate good people out there ready to embrace you with their unconditional love and goodness which is the most important thing that matters in this world.


  1. What a beautiful photo, the lady with the quilt in the canoe.

    Buddha is right. Everything that begins must end, too.

  2. I deny that everything must end. In fact, I plan to live forever just to prove Buddha wrong. Until I actually *do* live forever, though, you'll just have to take my word for it.

  3. Hello Eva, This painting is from my favorite artist "John William Waterhouse." All his work is just so pretty. My favorite painting from him is called "The Shrine." I have a huge framed print of "The Shrine" hanging in my powder room.
    I to believe everything that begins also ends, because there is a continual cycle to everything in the universe.

  4. Hello Baba doodlius, That would be amazing if we could master immortality. Could you imagine that? If we could master imortality, we would also have to make it so we don't age anymore either.

  5. But if there is no beginning to our adventure, then we are forever

    If the beginning is an illusion...

    Good Night!

    We are having summer time now.
    Here it is 22:38 but at your place 16:38.
    I'm living in the future.

  6. Thank you for your beautiful blog. Is this first photo depicting Tennyson's Lady of Shallot? I love everything you do.

  7. Hello Eric, You must be so excited about your weather change. It is slowly warming up here too. We're starting to see more sun than we were a few weeks ago, which makes life a bit more cheery. Enjoy your summer weather!

    Hello Bella- Thank you for your lovely complement to me. I'm so happy you enjoy my blog. I also enjoy reading your blog too. This painting here is John William waterhouse's "Lady Of Shallot." It's so beautiful. I hope to post his "Ophelia" too. Have a wonderful day!

  8. Great Buddha quote, Lydia! I agree w/ the sentiment, but I do believe that love lives may take a different form after we die, but I still believe its momentum endures.

  9. Hello Amber, I too believe that love lives forever, even when we go into spirit. I don't think there is any vail between us and the spirit world. If we are intune enough, we can even feel the presence of those who are on the other side. I guess this saying from buddha may be representing the ending of things existing in the physical, superficial or even the negative stuff that happens to us and around us in this world. Have a wonderful day!

  10. So true, so true. Your blog is very uplifting.

  11. Hello heliocentric, Thank you very much! I hope my posts inspire others and make them feel good. Have a great day!

  12. Yes yes and yes we are spirit immortal beings of enery and awareness but that's my opinion. This is a beautiful illusion and will pass. Yes Lydia love is forever and spirit too for spirit is pure love the highest level of spirit. And when you reach it you will merge back to it. have a beautiful day dear. I love the painting too!

  13. Hello Jamerson rising, I too believe the samethings as you just wrote. Thank you, Lydia
