Wednesday, January 26, 2011


        A persimmon is an edible fruit. It is generally light yellow orange or dark orange red in color.
It's either acorn or pumpkin shaped. Persimmons are high in glucose, with a balanced protein profile.

There are different types of persimmons grown in different countries.
For instance there is the "Japanese persimmon" also known as the "kaki", which is sweet and slightly tangy in flavor.
The "American persimmon", native to the United States has one of the highest amounts of vitamin C compared to some of the others grown elsewhere.
The "velvet apple" is native to the Philippines. when ripened, this type of persimmons turns bright red.
It's also native to China, where it is known as the "shizi"

Less Commonly available is the "chocolate persimmon", known for it's dark brown flesh. Maru sold as "Cinnamon persimmons" has a spicy flavor and Hykume is sold as "brown sugar".

Culinary uses;
Persimmons are eaten fresh, dried, or cooked.
When eaten fresh, it is cut and peeled, then made into quarters. It can also be enjoyed whole like an apple.


  1. Hi Lydia hey I have a heart just like that one Also I like persommons they are very good tnx for the post have a great day !!!

  2. Hello Jamerson,
    I think that heart is sooo pretty!!!!!
    I love the way the child is holding it in their hand. persimmons are delicious.
    My mom always had them in our house when they were available at the grocery store.
    They contain a lot of vitamin C.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!!!!!
