Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Starting My Zinnias And Marigolds Indoors

Honey Bee
I'm not really back from break, but I'm just so excited that I am now starting a few of my blooms indoors for this season's veggie garden. I love to mix blooms with vegetables, because they attract bees, which in return pollinate my vegetable blossoms giving me a much better yield of crops.
I've just started "candy cane mix" Zinnia and "Tiger's eye" Marigold in peat pots. I'm so happy because they've all come out. I'll have 32 of each.
Within the next few months I'll be busy starting Alyssum, Italian basil, and parsley in pots. I'm so looking forward to summer in the garden again.



  1. Hi Lydia, So nice to hear from you. I cant wait for summer too. I love using herbs. I use parsley alot in my cooking X

  2. Hello Kitten,
    I can't wait to get out there and start planting!!!!
    It's good to be back, but I am still kind of on break.
    Parsley is great. I grow it every year, along with a bunch of other herbs. I like to grow a variety of herbs in my front landscape, my veggie garden and in pots on my front porch.
    Have a great day!

  3. Hello Lydia,

    It is so nice to see your post and read your words. Take your time and when you are ready then you are ready to start again. Happy Spring!!!

  4. Hello Dave, Thank you so much!I think breaks are good for us all from time to time. It helps us rejuvenate our minds, body and spirits.
    I'm wishing you a happy Spring also!!!!!
    Have a great day,

  5. They're soooo lovely! I've never been that good with flowers but have recently purchases some mini roses that seem to be thriving. Your flowers are awesome though!

    I've missed reading here and am' glad to see this post. Oh, by the way, I've moved my blg and can now be read at:

    have a fun day!

  6. Hi, Lydia..glad you came back, if only for a brief time.

    I'll keep checking in..I think your readers are missing you! :)

    I hope you are getting refreshed and rejuvenated on your break!

  7. Hello Lydia It's that time of year again my favorite. Enjoy your break And have a wonderful time dear.

  8. that's a great show Lydia ... the flower is a great example of "blossom" and spring. I love gardening, we grow vegetables as well :)

  9. Hello Prism,
    I'm sure you have beautiful and very exotic plants and blooms where you live.
    Thank you for giving me your new link. I'll have to come over and read your new blog!
    Have a great day!

  10. Hello Jan,
    Thank you! I'm finally back in full on my blog and I am now bussy starting veggies indoors and preparing the garden for planting at the end of next month.
    I was just in California, so I'm catching up on everyone's blogs and comments this week.
    Wishing you a very nice day,

  11. Hello Jamerson,
    Thank you!
    Have a great day!

  12. Hello Nabeel,
    Thank you! That's great that you grow veggies. I also grow them every season.
    Not only is gardening productive, but it's also a healing and meditative practice for me. I feel that the more I'm out in nature planting, harvesting and admiring the natural world around me, the happier and more at peace I am with myself.
    Have a wonderful day!
