Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mysterious Pumpkin In My Garden

Hubby, my son and me were having a fire in my yard tonight, when my son finds a pumpkin growing in the back of my garden. I never planted it or threw pumpkin seeds in my garden either.  I guess this as another beautiful message from the universe.
Can't wait to eat it tomorrow night!


  1. Plus, it;s cute too! :D

    Hi Linda. Thanks for coming by my blog!

  2. Hi Lady prizm,
    Hope all is well. I always enjoy reading your posts and looking at your artwork.
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Wow! That's a first for me--a Green Pumpkin.

  4. Hi Michael,
    It's actually green in the front and orange in the back.
    I couldn't believe it was growing at the edge of my garden.
    Have a wonderful day!

  5. Very Cool! A new experience for me! BTW: Thanks for your comment. I entered it manually after some snafu's with Comment Moderation.

    See you here soon! :)

  6. Awesome Pumpkin!!!! and Green!! wooahhh , this is a mistery ! yeah

  7. Hi Michael,
    Your welcome Michael. I experienced it once, it was not pertaining business though.
    Lets just hope we don't have to experience that again.
    Have a wonderful day!

  8. Hi Wiccana,
    It was a pleasant surprise!
    Have a great day!
