Saturday, September 15, 2012

Unbelievable Gardening Season

This gardening season has been incredible!
My garden is still producing veggies like crazy. I spent all morning harvesting tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplants, green beans, celery and my herbs. There's still a lot more growing .
Looks like I'll be preserving beans and jarring more salsa all day. My freezer and wine cellar are both  already full of preserved veggies, which I'm not complaining about.


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  2. Hi and welcome to my blog.
    I'm happy your enjoying my blog.
    have a great day.

  3. happy for your bountiful harvest! it will be a busy week ahead for you!

    have a wonderful busy week lydia.

    1. Hi Alison, Thanks.
      I preserved a lot of green beans yesterday. I also made cilantro pesto, which was great.
      Today is the salsa.
      Have a nice Sunday!

  4. How nice to have the talent and ability to grow and preserve this wonderful assortment of healthy foods, Lydia! I suspect you'll be using it up over the cold winter months! Cool!!! :)
