Friday, September 28, 2012


Wine has the magical power to take the edge off. Researchers suggest that grapes also do the same trick.
Oxidative stress in the body may contribute to anxiety, and grapes have a protective effect.
So the good news is, snacking on grapes when you can't pop the cork, is perfect during those tense days.


  1. i love grapes! i have some in the fridge, i go snack on some now:)
    happy autumn & happy weekend lydia!

  2. Hi Allison, I love grapes too!
    It's wine season here in my area right now and I look forward to wine tasting soon.
    have a great day!

  3. What great comments! Grapes are cool. I freeze a pack of Whole Dried Blueberries. My Physical Therapist is a Triathlete and he told me these are a great source of antioxidants and natural energy!

  4. Hi Michael,
    I have blueberry bushes in my yard. They are very healthy to eat.
    You'll have a nice supply of blueberries for a while!
    Have a great day!
