Friday, May 7, 2010

Broken Hearts

People say a broken heart can cause death.
This does not have to be true.
Every time my heart's been broken, it has made me stronger, healthier, wiser, and the hurt has also opened my eyes to see what is true in my life and what was never true.
Seeing heart break in this way makes it much easier to release what needs to be removed from my life and move on.


  1. Bonjour Lydia,

    is this one of your own heart paintings ? I do not think so.

    Why don't you show one from your "heart" series? They are beautiful.

    I picked up my birthday parcel today and would like to thank you with all my heart for the pretty gifts I received from you, especially your oil painting "HEALING HEART".

    I placed it above the fireplace to be looked at and meditated upon daily:

    Yes, it is true, our heart heals, don't they ?

    What a blessing !


  2. P.S.

    I gave you an answer/comment on your artblog, too, did you see ?

  3. Hello Lydia wellcome back from your blogee break I know what you mean. I see what matters in my life much more clear. After such episodes I learned how to change the channel so to speak hee hey have a beautiful day. My friend and remember your awesome!!!

  4. Hello Olivia,
    No this is not one of mine! I see you know my work! That's good. I followed your advise and put my own painting up. Thank you so much! I'm happy you like my work!
    I am also very happy you received your gifts!
    You deserve beautiful gifts.
    I am happy you hung the painting above your mantel too.
    Yes our hearts do heal if we allow them to. Heartbreaks can be a blessing for better things to come instead of the end!
    Wishing you a beautiful evening and enjoy your gifts!

  5. Hello Jamerson,
    It's better to change the channel and move on once someone deceives you and breaks your heart like you state in your comment.
    Everyone is different and there are many kind, good and true people out there. I recommoend if someone was burned once it doesn't have to happen again!
    Just gravitate towards who's good.
    Usually someone will show early signs of not being the right person to fall for. When we ignore our gut feelings and those ealy signs about the person and what's not right about them, we then get hurt. My sugestion is run and run fast as soon as you sense any deception or bad feelings at all and never look back!!!!!!
    Wishing you a wonderful evening!
    Thank you for the sweet complement too Jamerson!!!!

  6. Hello Olivia,
    I have not checked my other blog yet. I will go and read it now!
    Thank you for all your comments and letting me know you also commented on my art blog!.
    Many blessings from me to you!

  7. Lydia Sweet Beauties
    Safety Heart
    with us often
    When love
    We hope that the dream can come true
    And reassure the heart

  8. Hi Lydia,
    This is beautiful. Although heart breaks can have their positive impacts, I wish that non of us gets their heart broken!

    I never knew you had another blog! .. and art, I love art. Tell me how I can take a look at your work!

    Have a great day,

  9. Lydia..I wish for you, a very Happy Mother's Day.

    You may feel sadness at the absence of your own dear mother, but remember all the wonderful traits she passed on to you, and that you are passing on to your own children.

    I know she would be so proud of you.

  10. hi lydia, that's a pretty heart and such wise words. wishing you are surrounded by love and true hearts. have a wonderful day!

  11. Hello Fashkul,
    Your words are very true!
    I hope all is going well with you? thank you so much for commenting to this post!
    Have a very nice evening,

  12. Hello Lina,
    It is better when our hearts do not break. I hate seeing other people walking around with a broken heart. I feel sad for them.
    I do have another blog. It an art blog with all of my work. If you go to my blogroll here, you can click on Lydia mcIntyre and it will bring you right to my art blog. I hope you enjoy visiting me there?
    Wishing you a beautiful evening!

  13. Hello Jan,
    thank you so much for your kind words.
    It is sad not having my mom here on mother's day. She loved mother's day. She looked forward to recieving roses and going out to eat. I miss her, but i know she's still around, watching over me and helping me with all of the things I try to do like her such as raising my kids, gardening and cooking.

    Wishing you a wonderful evening,

  14. Hello Alison,
    Thank you!
    I am happy you like my heart painting.
    I am surrounded by true hearts. I always felt that having few true heartsin my life was better than having many false hearts in my life. This is why my social circle is small. It's small but real.
    Wishing you a wonderful day!
    I hope your enjoying the garden and the nice weather right now?

  15. Hello Lydia,

    This is so true!!

    So many things can break one's heart and I have had my share and still get my share once in a while.

    Last month, I remember somebody hurt my feeling so bad I thought I would expire from hurt and frustration. But I let it all out, cried myself to weariness then washed my face and put on my fave lipstick. Took me half a day an hour to piece my shattered heart back, but I glued it still and now it's all fine again.

    I've been thinking of you yesterday and decided to drop by. I hope you're having happy days in your garden.... :D

  16. Hello Lady prism,
    I am glad you came by!
    I am sorry to hear you had a some bad experiences and some just recent too. I hope you are healed from them.
    I feel our bad experiences helps us to draw the strength we don't think we have from within us, so we are able to cope with the situation and overcome the pain we are feeling.
    Some experiences can make us feel so awful when they feel as we are going through them alone with no one to talk to. Those are the experiences we learn, strengthen and grow the most from, even though we may not think so at the time we are going through them.
    Wishing you much peace, happiness and many blessings!

  17. مدونه ما كفايه بقىMay 16, 2010 at 12:36 AM

    hello lydia
    it is my first visit to your blog i think you are compeletly right it is too hard for any one to be herted and that teach us not to hert any one but who deserve it

  18. Hello And welcome to my blog!
    Your so right. It is hard to hurt another person for many people. unfortunately, To some it comes easy. We should always avoid making another feel bad if we can. I do know in some situations hurting another emotionally is not intentinal, it just happens.
    Wishing you a very wonderful day full of bright sunshine!
