Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm Taking A Blog Break

This next few weeks are going to be very hectic around here. With my daily harvesting, freezing, canning and storing of vegetables and with both kids now back to school, I thought this would be a great time to take a blog break and get a lot of things done around here.
Maybe while on my blog break, I'll try getting to a few unfinished paintings done that I've had laying around. I would also like to start another series of Halloween art.
I'm still going to visit other's blogs, so I can keep updated on every one's latest posts.
Wishing everyone a great late summer and beginning of fall!
I'll be back sometime in autumn.

Monday, September 8, 2008

My Favorite window In The House

Cielo from the house in the roses has invited me to participate in her window party. This is my favorite window in the house. It's a half moon window That sets above two lower windows. Many mornings I can see the beautiful colors of the sunrise out this window. It's interesting to look out and see all the different changes in weather. At night I love to look up at the moon as it's shining into my living room. When the moon isn't out, I can see the twinkling of the stars as I'm relaxing. To view more beautiful windows, go the "thehouseintheroses.blogspot.com" or click Cielo's link on my "favorite blogs list."

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Blue Spirea

This Bush which is a beautiful "blue spirea", is now blooming in my front landscape. It was given to by my dear late mother as a house warming gift. Since 2002, which was the year I moved here, it has been moved twice and chewed up once by my rotty. I'm surprised it's survived. This resilient bush brings me many pleasant memories of my mom while it's blooming profusely.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

One Green Thought

Make it a goal to spend more time outdoors.
By "Terri Trespicio"

Friday, September 5, 2008

Before you react to an emotion, consider it's source.

By Terri Trespicio

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

( Ginger ready to take her cat nap )
Do more than understand stress reduction; put it into practice.
By Terri Trespicio

Photos From The Local Butterfly Sanctuary

Over the weekend me, my hubby and the kids visited our local butterfly sanctuary. It was really fun taking photos of them. I hope you all enjoy looking at these pretty butterflies.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Stay centered, do not overstretch. Extend from your center, return to your center.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Joy comes from our own contented heart.