Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Vegetables and Fruits Good for Bones

Eventually everyone's body starts losing more bone than it makes.
This happens, because of something called acid load.
Whenever there is too much acid in the bloodstream, it leads to muscle waisting and bone loss.
The foods that cause the most acid in the body are breads, cereal, rice, pasta, crackers, cookies, doughnuts, cupcakes, ect. Animal protein also causes acid.
You can nutralize these foods by eating more fruits and vegetables, which are alkaline foods. A diet that's poor in fruits and vegetables, and rich in grains and animal protein, will assure you an acid-producing diet.


  1. I truly learn cool, new facts with every visit! Love this site, Lydia!! It informs many. And as a famous millionairess would say, "That's a good thing"! :)

  2. Hello Michael,
    Thank you! I'm happy my sight is helpful. I enjoy blogging about healthy recipes and gardening.
    Have a wonderful day!
