Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Cloves have one of the highest antioxidant rankings of any spice.
Use it in: Winter fruit salads, mulled wine or cider and spicy curries.


  1. I love cloves!

    Margie :)
    P.S Lydia, not posting much on my poetry blog at this time but I have a new blog of pictures, Nature, animals and people is the name of it.
    I find it much easier to post my pictures.
    Hope you like it!
    I just don't have time to write these days, busy getting ready for my first grand baby, my daughter and her husband will be blessed with a baby girl in Jan.

    Take care, be well, be happy!

  2. Hello Margie
    I look forward to visiting yourblog tonight.
    I'll put your new blog on my blogroll too!
    I hope all is going well with you and you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. Congrats on your new grand daughter!!!!!!!!!
    Have a wonderful evening

  3. Thank you so much dear Lydia ...
    I'm just so thrilled beyond words to have a new grand baby coming, it will be such a blessing and I'll be taking care of the little angel when my daughter goes back to work, she is due Jan. 26th and has 3 months off from work.

    I had the most wonderful Thanksgiving and hope you did as well.
    Life is good and I appreciate all my blessings!

    Have a wonderful rest of the evening.

    Margie :)

  4. Lydia: I agree. Cloves are so cool in hot cider! ;)

  5. Hi Margie,
    I'm so happy for you! Your going to love babysitting your granddaughter! I'm glad all is going well with you.
    I love your new blog! I'll put your link on my blogroll.
    Have a wonderful day!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Michael,
    I love cloves in hot cider!
    I also use cloves in some of the east indian and rice dishes i make. They have a great flavor and wonderful aroma.
    have a nice afternoon!

  8. Thank you, Lydia.
    Thank you so much for being a nice and caring blogging friend!

    Have a wonderful rest of the evening!

    Margie :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Margie!
    Thank you for being my blog friend too! I'm so glad we met through blogging. I'm sure your busy decorating for christmas. I did all my decorating over the weekend.
    Have awonderful evening!
