Monday, July 11, 2011

Each bee must eat 8 to 10 pounds of honey and fly an equivalent of six orbits around the earth to produce a pound of wax.


  1. Isn't that amazing!
    I'm really enjoying all your postings about bees!
    Thanks, Lydia and have a great day!
    How is your weather there?
    Is it very hot?
    It's going to be a scorcher here today and I was out in my garden very early doing some watering.
    Don't like the intense heat!

    Margie :)

  2. Hi Margie,
    Thanks I'm glad your enjoying these honeybee posts.
    The weather is very very hot here too Margie! I still have to get out into my garden. It's been so hot though.
    I plan on getting in the garden later today to plant another succession of Roma bush beans. Now that I've used all of my red onions, I have room for more beans. I'm also going to plant a thai hot pepper plant today.
    I hope your garden is coming along well? There's been no rain here all hot bright sunshine.
    I've been having to run the sprinkler every few days.
    We're having a beatuiful summer here. I love the heat and the sunshine.
    The past few summers were too rainy and my tomatoes came down with fungel diseases due to all the wet weather.
    Wishing you a wonderful day Margie, and happy gardening!
