Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumn Equinox

Wishing everyone a wonderful autumn equinox. I hope some of you get to go outdoors and enjoy a nice mild first day of fall.


  1. Hello Lydia
    Love your pictures and happy autumn.
    Gosh, we have anything but a mild day here, it's more like winter.
    I did get out for a morning walk but the wind chased me back indoors.
    But on the weekend it's supposed to be great weather, so I look forward to it!

    Have a wonderful day!


  2. Hello Margie,
    Thank you.
    We had a warm day here today, but it was cloudy with occasional showers. The sunshine is just finally starting to peak out from behind the clouds.
    Have a great evening,

  3. Lovely autumunal colours. Its wet and grey here in Blighty! X

  4. Hello Kitten,
    Thank you!
    It's been a very pretty autumn day here today. The leaves are just starting to change and the sunshine is out with the temp being around 70.
    Hopefully your weather will start to improve soon!
    Have a nice evening,

  5. Dear Lydia,

    those are beautiful images of fall. Over here it is still very warm during the day, but chilly in the morning.


    Olivia Eva

  6. Hello Olivia,
    Thank you. It's a typical chilly autumn day here today. The leaves are starting to change too.
    I will let you know when I receive your package. Thank you again. I look forward to getting the mail!
    Enjoy the warm days where you are and have a beautiful weekend! P.S. I will return a letter back to you when I recieve yours!

  7. lovely colours lydia! i wish one day i will be able to experience the 4 seasons.

  8. Hello Alison,
    Thank you!
    Many days I wished I lived in a tropical climate, especially during the winter.
    Have a great Saturday,

  9. Thank you, dear Lydia,

    I will write back !

    It is a nice way of communicating; although speaking from person to person is still better.

    Do you think you will be able to visit me in the South of France?
    That would be wonderful.

    I have a guest room.


    Olivia Eva
