Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Front Landscape Roses

( My red rose bush)

This year my roses are looking great. I'm usually feeding them rose food by now, but I've been too busy with the veggie garden. Fortunately they've been doing fine without it.

(Me and Hera sitting in front of my front yard)

I also have a variety of rose bushes on my front burm, mostly yellow, white and red.
Unfortunately, they are not quite as large as the ones up by my house.
I was thinking about transplanting some of them in my front landscape next year, in hopes that they'll do a bit better.

(Close up shot of one of my red roses)

It's nice that I'm now able to fill vases full of roses to place around the house once again. They add so much beauty to a room. One of my favorite roses to use in a bouquet are my cabbage roses.
I hope to purchase more cabbage roses this fall. Autumn is the best time to get deals on them.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Barbie,
    Thank you! I love when I can finally get outside to enjoy my roses!!!!!! The cold in my neck of the woods linger too long.
    Have a great day!
