Thursday, February 5, 2009

Gypsy Cold Care Tea

For the past week me and most have my family have been fighting colds.
Every time I get a cold, I run out to my local grocery store to pick up a box of "Gypsy Cold Care" tea by "Traditional Medicinal". I swear buy it, because it seems to shorten the duration of my cold and makes it less severe.
I've also purchased many other teas from this line, which seem to help the ailment I've had at that time.
Where I live I buy "Traditional Medicinal" tea at the grocery store I frequent. It's called Wegmans and their health section is AMAZING! It's called "Nature's Market". I'm so fortunate that they have this section there, because this is where I do most of the food shopping for myself. It saves me from having to run to a health food store after shopping for my family. If your grocery store doesn't carry this line of tea, then you can find it at most health food centers.
I highly recommend "Traditional Medicinal" tea for most any ailment your looking to treat. I feel it's saved me from having to go to the doctors a few times.


  1. Good evening, dear Lydia,

    wishing you and your family to get well again, the natural teas will surely help.

    I love to drink a mixture of peppermint and honey, it tastes so good, ah ...

    When you visit my blog tonight you will find a little surprise waiting for you (a pleasant one, of course),


  2. Hello Eva,
    Thank you! Honey is great for sweetening many things. I try to use honey instead of sugar to sweeten foods.
    I'm going over to visit your blog right now!
    Have a great evening,

  3. Hi Lydia!

    I like Traditional Medicinal teas too. When I start with a cold, I reach for my echinacea/goldenseal and take that with orange juice. Then the herbal teas are a nice accompaniment to keep the virus away. Thanks for the tip.
    Love those heart strawberries!


  4. Hello Lydia I could really use some of that tea now I have been really sick this past week. Today I feel better. I hope you are feeling better too. So many people are sick. Thanks for the info on the tea I will try it Have a beautiful day my friend !!!

  5. Hello Jamerson,
    Sorry to hear your feeling sick. Your right, there is a lot of sickness going around.
    I feel better now and so do the kids.
    I hope you get better soon and if your upto it go out and get some of this tea, it works wonders for a cold.
    Rest up and take care,

  6. I also love the Gypsy Cold Care. Everyone in my life just had this terrible flu and I'm working hard not to get it. That tea is part of my regime :)
